Suga, a member of the globally renowned K-pop group BTS, recently found himself in hot water after an incident involving drunk driving. However, it wasn’t a typical car or motorcycle that caused the commotion, but an electric vehicle that led to widespread confusion. Here’s a detailed look at what happened and why it sparked such a debate.
The Incident
On a seemingly ordinary evening, Suga, whose real name is Min Yoon-gi, was driving an electric kickboard after having drinks at dinner. While parking, he fell off the vehicle, catching the attention of a nearby police officer. Upon administering a breathalyzer test, Suga was found to be intoxicated, leading to his license being revoked and a fine imposed (93.7 K COUNTRY – You Live It, We Play It) (Lethbridge Herald).
Electric Kickboard vs. Electric Scooter
The primary confusion arose from the type of vehicle Suga was driving. Big Hit Music, Suga’s label, initially described it as an “electric kickboard,” a term typically used for electric scooters without seats. However, police reports indicated that the vehicle Suga was driving had a seat, making it more akin to an electric scooter under South Korean traffic laws. This distinction is crucial as it affects the severity of penalties for drunk driving (Rifnote).
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Legal and Social Repercussions
Suga was booked for violating the Road Traffic Act, and although the police have not confirmed the progress of the investigation, the incident has undoubtedly caused a stir. Suga took to Weverse, an online fan platform, to apologize deeply to his fans and the public, expressing regret for his actions and acknowledging his mistake (93.7 K COUNTRY – You Live It, We Play It).
Impact on Suga’s Military Service
Suga has been serving his mandatory military service as a social service agent since September 2023. The Military Manpower Administration has stated that the incident will not affect his current status, as it occurred outside of official working hours. Nevertheless, Big Hit Music has affirmed that Suga will accept any disciplinary actions from his duty place concerning the incident (Lethbridge Herald).
This incident highlights the importance of understanding local laws and the potential consequences of seemingly minor actions. Suga’s case serves as a reminder that even public figures are not above the law and must face the repercussions of their actions. The confusion regarding the type of vehicle he was driving further underscores the need for clear definitions in legal contexts.